Friday, January 12, 2018

3 Days Solo Trip in Rainy Season Timor Leste

sightseeing the capital city of Dili and Mt. Ramelau's (highest peak) best tourist attraction
December 03 to 07, 2017

"To awake quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world." - Freya Stark 

My 55th solo backpacking trip30th country to visit in Asia continenttotal of 63 countries visited so far and of course, usual budget do-it-yourself itinerary from arrival to departure. This trip serves also as my last country to visit on my quest on completing  to sightsee all of our neighbors in South East Asia.

The eastern half of the island of Timor, East Timor, is a former Portuguese colony that declared itself independent from Portugal on 28 November 1975. Nine days later, Indonesian forces invaded and occupied the former colony, with the tacit approval of the United States and Australia. By July 1976 the colony had been annexed as the province of Timor Timur.On 20 May 2002, East Timor was internationally recognized as an independent state under the official name of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.

timezone - UTC +0900H      capital - Dili         language - Tetum              currency - USD
3 Days Solo Trip in Rainy Season Timor Leste (souvenir shirt and post card)

3 Days Solo Trip in Rainy Season Timor Leste (flight from Bali)

3 Days Solo Trip in Rainy Season Timor Leste (30-days visa on arrival for $30)

3 Days Solo Trip in Rainy Season Timor Leste (getting out of the airport)

Interesting Facts about Timor Leste: 
1. Timor-Leste is the nation’s newest name. Before that it was East Timor. What makes that peculiar is that the word ‘Timor’, a word of both Indonesian and Portuguese origins, means east. That means the country was called ‘East-East.’
2.  In 1996, a Nobel Peace Prize was shared by two East Timorese activists named Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo and José Ramos-Horta, for their struggle to achieve freedom peacefully.
3. To look at a map of Timor-Leste, it is easy to think that the people of Timor-Leste might have descended from the Indonesians, because of its proximity. This would be incorrect; they are descended from the aboriginal people of Australia.
4. Did you know that there is no West Timor, and the farther west you travel, the more East Timor you get?
5. The literacy and educations levels in this country are extremely low.

My Completed Journey to the 11 Countries of South East Asia Region
2009 - Philippines
2010 - Thailand
2013 - Malaysia
2016 - Brunei
2017 - Timor Leste


advance confirm hostel booking via, confirm flight bookings with transit to Bali, Indonesia (nearest and cheapest airport to transit from Philippines).
Cebu Pacific return flight Manila to Bali (Dec. 03-07) = $ 140
Sriwijaya Air return flight Bali to Dili (Dec. 03-06) = $ 170

​Day 1 December 03, 2017 Sunday
morning flight from Manila (UTC +0800H) to Dili (UTC +0900H) transit from Bali
Afternoon walk to Christ the Redeemer (Cristo Rei)

Day 2 
December 04, 2017 Monday
public transportation adventure going to Hato Bulico, jump-off to Mt. Ramelau

Day 3 December 05, 2017 Tuesday
early morning hike to Mt. Ramelau (2,963masl), highest peak of Timor Leste
public transportation adventure going back to Dili, afternoon walk in Dili city center

Day 5 December 06, 2017 Wednesday
morning flight back to Bali (UTC +0800H), afternoon stroll in Bali

Day 5 December 07, 2017 Thursday
morning flight back to Manila

TOTAL BUDGET : $140 + $170 + $235 = $545

3 Days Solo Trip in Rainy Season Timor Leste (Dili Cathedral)

3 Days Solo Trip in Rainy Season Timor Leste (the only mall in Dili, Filipino restaurant inside)

3 Days Solo Trip in Rainy Season Timor Leste (microlet, public transportation)


Day 1: December 3, 2017 Sunday
0200H NAIA T3 Check-in
0350H ETD Manila +0800H UTC
0750H ETA Bali +0800H UTC; Bali Airport Transit stop
1100H ETD Bali
1400H ETA Dili +0900H  UTC; Visa on arrival $30; Taxi to Casa Minha $10; Payment for 1 night $10
Microlet #10 .25, Microlet #12 .25, Snacks 1.25
1530H Cristorei free admission; photo-ops and sight-seeing
1700H ETD Cristo Rei; Microlet #12 .25, Microlet #10 .25
Burger king 7; Souvenir shirt 4; Dinner 6
Sub Total: $69.25

Day 2: December 4, 2017 Monday
0700H ETD Hostel; Microlet #4 .25, Microlet #7 .25, going to Taybesi terminal
0800H ETD Taybesi; transport truck 3
1200H ETA Maubisse; water .25; transport Truck to Ainaro 1
1330H Drop to Hatobulico jump-off; Free ride Motorbike hitch while walking
1500H Hatobulico; Pousada Guesthouse; Free water while asking for motorbike rent
Snacks 1; Dinner included on my 1 night stay, walk-in query only, no advance booking)
Sub Total: $5.75

Day 3: December 5, 2017 Tuesday
0245H ETD Guesthouse 1,800masl
0330H passed through river
0400H passed through 2 trails; Both dead-end, fogs getting thick, clouds getting dark
0500H decided to back-out 2,250masl
0630H ETA Guesthouse
0700H Guesthouse check-out; 1 night, dinner, breakfast 15
Motorbike ride negotiation 20
0850H ETA junction
0900H Bus to Dili 5; lunch 2
1400H Taybesi Terminal; Microlet #7 .25; Guesthouse check-in 10
Dili Cathedral, Jardim 5 de Maio; Resistance Museum 1; Burger king snacks/dinner 13.75
Sub Total: $67

Day 4: December 6, 2017 Wednesday
0730H ETD Casa Minha; walk to airport (4km)
0845H ETA Airport; Burger king breakfast 7
1030H Check-in; Souvenirs 6
1300H ETD Dili +0900H UTC
1415H ETA Bali +0800H UTC; Walk to hostel $100 = 1,300k; Shirt 80k
H-Ostel 1 night 135k; Yoshinoya meal 55k; Night trips / dinner =  692k 
Sub Total: $13 + 962k

Day 5: December 7, 2017 Thursday
0600H ETD Hostel; walk to airport
0645H ETA Airport; Check-in; no more terminal fee; Snacks 50k
0900H ETD Bali +0800H UTC
1300H ETA Manila +0800H UTC
Sub Total: 50k

TOTAL: 69.25 + 5.75 + 67 + 13 + 80 = $ 235

3 Days Solo Trip in Rainy Season Timor Leste (intersection landmark passing the major microlets near my hostel) 

3 Days Solo Trip in Rainy Season Timor Leste (my hostel for 2 days)


  1. i want go timor leste. but worry on visa on arrival. how about Thai people? is it easy getting visa on arrival? what needed papers in show to imigration? very many papers to show to them? plaese help me on step to get visa. I Thank you

    1. yes, I confirm Thai's are visa on arrival too in Timor Leste. only outbound ticket and hotel booking.


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