Sunday, January 01, 2012

My Top Nine Best Travels in 2011

2nd year of my travel addictiveness, adventures that made me want to go back there
2011 "the viewing deck" year-ender report

"I travel a lot; I hate having my life disrupted by routine." - Caskie Stinnett

My luckiest and extravagant year ever, traveling has never been like this. again, I didn't imagine that this destinations will be possible. this includes the 7 consecutive weekend getaways that surpassed the last year's 5. Undeniably, priceless memories and remarkable experience at 100% very budgeted itineraries.

32 journeys... 38 Philippine provinces... 8 countries...
9 solo backpacks... 14 with bakasyonistas... 6 with family... 2 with 1st-time meet-ups...
1 with coworkers... 9 self-organized tours...

the viewing deck best 9 adventure journeys of 2011

I ranked these posts based on the adventure i have encountered, budget and how happy and satisfied i am through the planning, journey and the outcome.

9th: Iloilo - Guimaras (bakasyonista 1st year anniversary special)
May 13-15, 2011
- this trip is astonishing because after 365 days of being travel friends that assembled via online forum, we still manage to have that bond and even surpassed the time we met. Our first domestic travel that has more than 10 bakasyonista affiliates. My 2nd attempt of cliff jump which i repeated for 3 times.

8th: Iloilo - Dumaguete - Cebu (around the visayas region for 2 days only)
September 24-25, 2011
- this trip is astonishing because I travel around the main cities of visayas region in just 2 days just to finish-off the last 3 remaining stamps on my lakbay-rizal quest. There was this instance in Dumaguete city where in I arrived in the evening and yet I uncompromisingly force the authorized personnel there to have my dumaguete stamp.

Guisi Beach, Guimaras

Falls in Valencia, Negros Occidental

7th: Dipolog- Dapitan - Pagadian (aggresive on lakbay-rizal stamps)
August 13-15, 2011
- this trip is astonishing because of the determined mindset I have to get the Rizal farm stamp, I even visited, met and talked personally to the municipal mayor. this forceful attitude makes me decide to finish-off this lakbay rizal passport. by the way, I did this alone.

6th: Batad - Sagada the comeback (Northern Luzon at its best)
June 17-20, 2011
- this trip is astonishing because rice terraces was more than meets the eye. Also, my aim to get back to sagada and have the spelunking experience was like the first time.

very vivid green rice fields of batad village

this is batanes islands

5th: Batanes Islands (Philippine province with winter season)
April 21-24, 2011
- this trip is astonishing because of how i had the adventure of having the cheap airfare. batanes is every pinoy traveler's destination, now i made it after just almost a year of dreaming.

4th: Singapore - Malaysia (solo on 2 days for 2 countries)
January 19-22, 2011
- this trip is astonishing because i made to visit and experience some of this 2 countries best tourist destination in just 2 days only. arrived in early morning and departed early morning also. i was always thinking and moving in haste for 48 hours so when i sit in the aircraft, i was just woke-up by the stewardess that we just landed in our local airport.

3rd: South Korea (winter get-away)
February 23-28, 2011
- this trip is astonishing because going on a country with winter season is unimaginable on my part ever since i born. experiencing the snow and the cold wind wearing bubble jacket while traveling is truly another a unique adventure for 6-days. i even conquered one of the steepest roller coaster in the world at 77 degrees after feeling the chill that penetrates my jacket due to the long line of qeueing.


1st ice skiing experience in South Korea

2nd: Vietnam - Cambodia - Laos (Indochina on 7-days)
August 24-31, 2011
- this trip is astonishing because this was my last planned major solo get-away before embracing the upcoming changes in my career. not only that, i lost half of my allocated pocket money during the 1st day. saving money and enduring the hunger were some of the added adventures i faced during the trip.

1st: Saudi Arabia (formerly my 2nd home)
October 13, 2011 onwards
- this trip is very astonishing because i never imagine i will be here for work. based on what my plans way back in philippines, this places will be my last option to go abroad based on the negative publicities i heard and read. but after few days, i can prove to them they were wrong.

inside the angkor archeological park in cambodia


  1. more travels this 2012! hapi nu yi!

  2. You've been to many places... ang galing! Happy New Year Andie! Cheers to more travels next year! :)


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