Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Budget Solo Week-end Trip in Rainy Comoros

110th on my continuing saga beyond the #lakbay100 journey
January 10 to 11, 2020

My 88th solo backpacking trip
22nd country to visit in African continent108th country visited on my journey beyond #lakbay1007th continent on my list and of course and usual budget do-it-yourself itinerary from arrival to departure. I did not research that much for this country due also on limited time and laziness.

Comoros has endured 20 coups or attempted coups since gaining independence from France in 1975. In 1997, the islands of Anjouan and Moheli declared independence from Comoros. In 1999, military chief Col. Azali seized power. He pledged to resolve the secessionist crisis through a confederal arrangement named the 2000 Fomboni Accord. Each island in the archipelago elected its own president and a new union president took office in May 2002. One of the world's poorest countries, Comoros is made up of three islands that have inadequate transportation links, a young and rapidly increasing population, and few natural resources.

Budget Solo Week-end Trip in Rainy Comoros

Budget Solo Week-end Trip in Rainy Comoros

Budget Solo Week-end Trip in Rainy Comoros

Budget Solo Week-end Trip in Rainy Comoros

Budget Solo Week-end Trip in Rainy Comoros

timezone - UTC +0300H    capital - Moroni  language - French  currency - Franc (KMF)
visa - visa on arrival for 30 Euro ($50), requirement is print-out of onward ticket and hotel accommodation confirmation (no wifi in the airport / no printer also / no money changer).

1. The country’s islands are mostly volcanic with interiors that range from low hills to steep mountains.
2. Comoros is the second-largest producer of vanilla in the world. It is second only to Madagascar.
3. The country is the largest producer of ylang-ylang, which is an ingredient used in the making of fragrance oils.


Jan. 10-11 flight Dubai - Moroni 1,170 AED
Farida Lodge (reservation print-out required)

Day 1: January 10, 2020 Friday
0000H ETD Abu Dhabi Bus Terminal
0200H ETA Dubai Terminal 1 arrival
0425H ETD Dubai UTC +0400H; flight ET 601
0740H ETA Addis Ababa; 2 hr transit
0945H ETD Addis Ababa UTC +0300H; flight ET 865
1445H ETA Moroni UTC +0300H; visa on arrival $50 (€30, best to bring Euro bills)
Car drop off to Farida Lodge $20; money exchange $50 = 20,000 KMF ($1= 400)
Farida Lodge 1N 16,500 KMF; Moroni afternoon walk tour
Subtotal: $120

Day 1: January 11, 2020 Saturday
0700H breakfast
0800H ETD Moroni; taxi to airport $20
0900H ETA Moroni Airport
1050H ETD Moroni UTC +0300H; flight KQ 265 1300H ETA Nairobi; 1hr transit
1410H ETD Nairobi UTC +0300H; flight KQ 310
2045H ETA Dubai Airport Terminal 1
SubTotal: $20

TOTAL: 1,170 AED ($320) + $140 = $460

Budget Solo Week-end Trip in Rainy Comoros

Budget Solo Week-end Trip in Rainy Comoros

Budget Solo Week-end Trip in Rainy Comoros

Budget Solo Week-end Trip in Rainy Comoros

Budget Solo Week-end Trip in Rainy Comoros

2020 1st weekend trip: 110th beyond #lakbay100 #livealifeyouwillremember #comoros #africa

Thank you very much Rainy Comoros!
2020's 1st country visited, 22nd country in Africa, 88th solo trip and 110th country beyond #lakbay100 :) #livealifeyouwillremember #moroni #comoros


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