a 2013 year-ender family tour across the north
14 November 2013
My 13th family outing
initiated, a road trip going north of Philippines, and of
course, usual budget do-it-yourself itinerary from arrival to
A supposedly spelunking and river picnic day-trip for the secluded nature spots of this 2 peaceful provinces in Luzon archipelago of the Philippines (Nueva Ecija and Nueva Vizcaya) but due to heavy rains and innocent knowledge of our van driver, we just decided a short-visit and go back home. The places planned to visit are Capisaan Caves of Nueva Vizcaya and Minalungao Park of Nueva Ecija.
Nueva Vizcaya is a province of the Philippines located in the Cagayan Valley region in Luzon. Its capital is Bayombong.The name Nueva Vizcaya derives from the name given at the time to the western Basque territories of Spain, or less likely from the province of Biscay (called Vizcaya in Spanish) itself. Nueva Ecija is a landlocked province of the Philippines located in the Central Luzon region. Its capital is Palayan City. Nueva Ecija borders, from the south clockwise, Bulacan, Pampanga, Tarlac, Pangasinan, Nueva Vizcaya, and Aurora.
Nueva Ecija - Viscaya Family Day tour |
Nueva Ecija - Viscaya Family Day tour |
Nueva Ecija - Viscaya Family Day tour |
Nueva Ecija - Viscaya Family Day tour |
Nueva Ecija - Viscaya Family Day tour |
Nueva Ecija - Viscaya Family Day tour |
Nueva Ecija - Viscaya Family Day tour |
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