Sunday, November 17, 2013

Miyajima Island Morning Stroll

7-days wandering solo in summer Japan
may 28 - june 04, 2013 tuesday to tuesday

Hiroshima solo day-trip

Initial plan is to visit Hiroshima city center but due to underestimated travel time from Hiroshima JR station by looking on the electronic schedule boards, I immediately decided to visit Miyajima Island. In addition, I'd like to visit the mountain as early as possible for the morning breeze reason. By the way, roundtrip ferry fare is covered also by JR pass. I roamed this island from 1000H until 1230H only, cannot went further due to knee joint attained last Mt. Kinabalu climb.

Miyajima island is one of the crown jewels of Japan, and certainly one of its finest views. Located off the coast of Hiroshima, the serene beauty of the island is an essential coda to that city. Miyajima has been considered a holy place for most of Japanese history. In 806 AD, the monk Kōbō Daishi ascended Mt. Misen (535m) and established the mountain as an ascetic site for the Shingon sect of Buddhism.

Miyajima Island

Miyajima Island

Miyajima Island

Miyajima Island


0752 ETA Hiroshima Station (JR Shinkansen Hikari 441)
Breakfast 510yen
Locker and Water 505yen
0851H ETD Hiroshima Station (JR line)
0920H ETA Miyajima Station
walk approximate 200m to ferry terminal
0940H ETD ferry terminal (JR ferry)
Miyajima Island stroll
Mt. Misen ropeway 1,800yen
1205H ETD Mt. Misen
1240H ETD Miyajima station (JR line)
1320H ETA Hiroshima station
Local tram (M10) 150yen
1400H ETA Peace Memorial Park
Hiroshima Castle
1700H ETD Hiroshima station (JR Shinkansen)
snacks and dinner 720yen
2000H Osaka Station
dormitory lodging 2310yen

TOTAL : 6,145 YEN ($61.45)

Miyajima Island

Miyajima Island

Miyajima Island

Mount Misen

Access of Mt. Misen to the Miyajima Ropeway from Hiroshima City;

Step 1: from Hiroshima City then ride JR line Miyajimaguchi station
Step 2: from Miyajimaguchi station then ride JR Miyajima car ferry
Step 3: From Miyajima pier, a 1-min walk to Itsukushimajinja Shrine
Step 4: From Itsukushimajinja, a 6-min walk / / free shuttle bus to Momijidani park
Step 5: From Momijidani park entrance, 2 ropeways to Mt. Misen summit (1,800yen rt)

Mount Misen

Mount Misen

Mount Misen

Mount Misen

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