Monday, August 02, 2021

Laguna Cuicocha Reverse Loop Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike

41 Days Pandemic Rainy Solo Trip in Ecuador March 24 to May 04, 2021

- Another Ecuador's best and cheapest DIY hike, Laguna Quilotoa little brother version, 13km average loop trail for 4 hours 

Day 65: Apr. 10, 2021 Sat / Quito 3
0700H ETD Hostel; walk to Colon Station
0730H ETD Colon; bus 0.25
0800H ETD Quito Carcelen; bus 2.75
1000H ETA Otavalo; bus 0.50
1030H ETA Cotacachi; breakfast 2
1100H ETD Cotacachi; taxi 5; Laguna Cuicocha (3,512masl) reverse loop hike
1600H ETD Laguna Cuicocha; taxi 5
1630H ETD Cotacachi; bus 0.50
1730H ETD Otavalo; bus 2.5
1930H ETD Quito Carcelen; bus 0.25; Hostal Killa Llullu; dinner 5.25
TOTAL: $24

1. What I did is the reverse loop hike (counter clockwise direction), trail starts on the right of park entrance, the center island is on my left. Imho, reverse loop is better because ascend trail is immediate then followed by smooth descend. The traditional route (clockwise) starts after the parking area, around 500m distance from park entrance. 

2. No entrance free in the park but mandatory registration for all the visitors. 

3. Maximum taxi fare from Cotacachi to Laguna Cuicocha is $5 while $3 from Quiroga and $8 from Otavalo. Same rate also from Laguna Cuicocha going back.

4. The trail info board states that the trail is 14km on 5 hours trekking time. My record was less than 13km only with 4 hours time (I have enough rest included, I'm just an average hiker). 

Laguna Cuicocha Reverse Loop Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike

Laguna Cuicocha Reverse Loop Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike

Laguna Cuicocha Reverse Loop Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike

Laguna Cuicocha Reverse Loop Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike

Laguna Cuicocha Reverse Loop Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike

Laguna Cuicocha Reverse Loop Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike

Laguna Cuicocha Reverse Loop Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike

Laguna Cuicocha Reverse Loop Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike

Laguna Cuicocha Reverse Loop Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike


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