30 Days Pandemic Summer Solo Trip in Mexico November 27, 2020 to December 27, 2020
Mexico Day 4 (City of Mexico's highest mountains): Self-guided solo major day hike (difficult circuit trail) to Pico del Aguila (3,846masl) and Cerro del Ajusco (3,951masl) with 675m elevation, 6km trail distance and DIY transportation (local bus + hitchhike). No national park fee and no registration fee. No water source throughout the trail. #mexico #ajusco #hiking #hitchhiking #livealifeyouwillremember
Budget Estimate: $200 (11 USD)
How to Go: From Mexico City, take Universidad metro station (line 3, fare $5). Sto. Tomas Ajusco bus departs as soon as its full with 1 hour journey, fare costs $7 one way. Then ask to drop-off to Sto. Tomas junction to Cerro del Ajusco. Take a taxi or hitchhike to Albergue Alpino Ajusco ($50) where the Pico de Aguila trail starts. On return to city, either contract the taxi to wait for you or hitchhike. No national park fee and no registration fee. No water source throughout the trail.
Places Visited: Cerro del Ajusco is City of Mexico's highest mountain and 11th highest in Mexico country. Pico de Aguila / Cerro del Ajusco difficult circuit trail, major hike (very steep with lots of moving rocks, slippery, boulder trail on summit assault, cold, always foggy, trail not well identified)
Day 04: Nov. 30, 2020 Mon / Cerro del Ajusco
0545H ETD Hostel; metro to Universidad, line 3
0630H ETD Universidad, bus to Sto. Tomas 14; drop-off to Ajusco junction; taxi to Albergue 50
0730H ETA Cerro del Ajusco hike start (circuit)
1000H ETA Pico de Aguilar summit (3,846masl)
1100H ETA Cerro del Ajusco summit (3,951masl)
1345H ETA Albergue Alpino Ajusco; Tacos meal 100
1445H ETD Ajusco; Hitchhike to City
1530H ETA Viveros metro station; Coyoacán short visit (Viveros, Centro)
1730H ETA Hostel; Tacos meal 50
TOTAL: $214
Cerro del Ajusco (3,951masl) Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike |
Cerro del Ajusco (3,951masl) Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike |
Cerro del Ajusco (3,951masl) Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike |
Cerro del Ajusco (3,951masl) Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike |
Cerro del Ajusco (3,951masl) Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike |
Cerro del Ajusco (3,951masl) Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike |
Cerro del Ajusco (3,951masl) Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike |
Cerro del Ajusco (3,951masl) Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike |
Cerro del Ajusco (3,951masl) Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike |
Cerro del Ajusco (3,951masl) Self-guided Solo Budget Day Hike |
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