Saturday, July 31, 2021

Arequipa (Centro, Countryside Tour, Canteras de Sillar)

23 Days Pandemic Rainy Solo Trip in Peru March 01 to March 23, 2021

South America Day 29: My very first city / countryside bus tour after 11 years of world backpacking. Afternoon trip to Ruta del Sillar (solidified volcanic ash) and Quebrada de Culebrillas (natural ignimbrite rocks) #peru 

How to Go: I took the city / countryside bus tour that costs S35 excluding admission fees, from 9am to 2pm. No transportation information searched on the net. Same also with Ruta de Sillar, trip costs S25 excluding the S5 admission fee. 

Day 28: Mar. 04, 2021 Thu / Arequipa 1
0630H ETD Cabanaconde; colectivo 8
0830H Colectivo to Arequipa 20
1200H ETA Arequipa; lunch 6; Short City Walk Tour (Centro); Booking Ruta del Sillar / City Countryside tour 60; Money Exchange 500 USD = 1,830 PEN (3.66); Way Kap Hostel; laundry 12; dinner 25

Day 29: Mar. 05, 2021 Fri / Arequipa 2
0900H to 1400H City / Countryside Tour; Plaza de Yanahuara; snacks 6
Carmen Alto Mirador; entrance 5; souvenirs 104; Fabrica Incalpaca; La MansiĆ³n de Fundador
Molino de Sabandia; tip 10; lunch 8
1400H to 1800H Canteras de Sillar Tour; Quebrada de Anashuayco; entrance 5; Quebrada de Culebrillas; tip 10
Way Kap Hostel; dinner 15

Arequipa (Centro, Countryside Tour, Canteras de Sillar)

Arequipa (Centro, Countryside Tour, Canteras de Sillar)

Arequipa (Centro, Countryside Tour, Canteras de Sillar)

Arequipa (Centro, Countryside Tour, Canteras de Sillar)

Arequipa (Centro, Countryside Tour, Canteras de Sillar)

Arequipa (Centro, Countryside Tour, Canteras de Sillar)

Arequipa (Centro, Countryside Tour, Canteras de Sillar)

Arequipa (Centro, Countryside Tour, Canteras de Sillar)


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