Friday, September 18, 2015

Serbia Day Tour 1st part; Overnight Bus from Zagreb to Belgrade

Day tour to quickly sight-see the best marvels of Serbia
June 15, 2015
Serbia is a country located in the Balkans, in Southern Europe. It was a founder and one of the six republics forming the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia was such a beautiful country with so many different attractive places that somehow, Serbia was neglected and it is still to be rediscovered not only by visitors, but by many Serbs, too. It is also a varied and beautiful place notwithstanding the fact that it is landlocked.

1. In Serbia there is a religious building that was turned into a mosque 10 times. (The old cathedral church in downtown Cacak.)
2. Statistically, Serbs are the most hospitable people in the world.
3. Serbian clock making industry is older than 600 years earlier than Swiss
4. During the 3rd and 4th century, 18 Roman emperors were born on the territory of Serbia

Serbia Day Tour; Overnight Bus from Zagreb to Belgrade

Serbia Day Tour; Overnight Bus from Zagreb to Belgrade

Serbia Day Tour; Overnight Bus from Zagreb to Belgrade

Serbia Day Tour; Overnight Bus from Zagreb to Belgrade

How to Go to Belgrade, Serbia from Zagreb, Croatia;
There is a daily direct overnight bus from Zagreb (2215H) to Belgrade (0345H) offered by Croatia's Cazmatrans for a minimum fare of 210HRK (29.4EUR), bus #2313.


2215H ETD Zagreb 5h30m; #2313
0320H ETA Belgrade

- there were Passport Control Officer in Croatia border, none in Serbia border.
​- no electric outlet, toilet available, weak wi-fi signal on board. Reclining seat with footrest. Open seat allocation.

Serbia last part; Belgrade City morning walk
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