4-days Self-guided Solo Tour in Myanmar (Burma)
February 02-08, 2014
This unexpected itinerary was just prompted when I read those bulletins posted in my hostel. Good thing I planned this as I'm lazy to stroll again for City Pagoda's; interest changed at instant.
One of the main attractions of this place is the Mingun Bell which is said to be the 2nd largest bell in the world. Cast in 1808 by King Bodawpaya to be dedicated to Mingun Pagoda which was never completed and is now a ruin. Its weight is about 90 tons, being one-third of that of Moscow and fourteen times of that in St. Paul's Basilica. Its supports were destroyed by the earthquake in 1839 and rested in ground until 1896.
How to go to Mingun;
Mingun can be reached by ferry boat which comes from Mandalay port located at the end of 26th Street with daily departures of 0900H and comes back at 1300H. Travel time is 45minutes to an hour with roundtrip fare of 5,000 kyat ($5).
Mingun is located 11 km up the Ayeyarwady River on the west bank from Mandalay. Its main attraction is the ruined Mingun Pahtodawgyi. Mingun Temple is a monumental uncompleted stupa began by King Bodawpaya in 1790. It was not completed, due to an astrologer claiming that, once the temple was finished, the king would die. The completed stupa would have been the largest in the world at 150 metres (490 ft). Huge cracks are visible on the structure from the earthquake of 23 March 1839.
One of the main attractions of this place is the Mingun Bell which is said to be the 2nd largest bell in the world. Cast in 1808 by King Bodawpaya to be dedicated to Mingun Pagoda which was never completed and is now a ruin. Its weight is about 90 tons, being one-third of that of Moscow and fourteen times of that in St. Paul's Basilica. Its supports were destroyed by the earthquake in 1839 and rested in ground until 1896.
How to go to Mingun;
Mingun can be reached by ferry boat which comes from Mandalay port located at the end of 26th Street with daily departures of 0900H and comes back at 1300H. Travel time is 45minutes to an hour with roundtrip fare of 5,000 kyat ($5).
Mingun is located 11 km up the Ayeyarwady River on the west bank from Mandalay. Its main attraction is the ruined Mingun Pahtodawgyi. Mingun Temple is a monumental uncompleted stupa began by King Bodawpaya in 1790. It was not completed, due to an astrologer claiming that, once the temple was finished, the king would die. The completed stupa would have been the largest in the world at 150 metres (490 ft). Huge cracks are visible on the structure from the earthquake of 23 March 1839.
Mingun morning trip (Mandalay port) |
Mingun morning trip (tourists ferry boat) |
Mingun morning trip (tourists ferry boat) |
Mingun morning trip (tourists ferry boat) |
Mingun morning trip (Mingun port) |
Mingun morning trip (the unfinished Temple) |
Mingun morning trip (strolling around) |
Mingun morning trip (the Mingun Bell) |
Mingun morning trip (the Mingun Bell) |
Mingun morning trip (the Mingun Bell) |
Mingun morning trip (strolling around) |
Mingun morning trip (strolling around) |
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