Saturday, August 23, 2014

Jerusalem City Trip 1st part; Israel Museum and the Dead Sea Scrolls

8-days Pinoy solo backpacking in Winter Israel
November 02 to November 10, 2013

From Old city Jaffa gate, I just walked by myself going to this place with the aid of asking the local Jews at any point I felt lost. Entrance fee cost 50ils ($14.3).

Since opening in 1965, Israel Museum has built a collection of nearly 500,000 objects representing the full scope of artistic creativity and the world material culture. The galleries at the top of the campus contain permanent displays from the collections as wells as temporary exhibitions. In addition, the Museum offers its local and international visitors a dynamic youth wing, a serene art garden, and the Shrine of the Book, home to the 2,000 years old Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Shrine of the Book is home to the world-renowned Dead Sea Scrolls, archeological artifacts, and rare medieval manuscripts of the Hebrew bible. The upper level of the Shrine introduces visitors to the story of the Scrolls and the Judean Desert sect. At the her of the Shrine is a presentation of original Dead Sea Scrolls - examples of sectarian texts and the oldest biblical manuscripts in existence, from the eight most complete scrolls ever discovered - surrounding a full-scale facsimile of the magnificent preserved Great Isaiah Scroll.

Israel Museum (Dead Sea Scroll)

Israel Museum (Shrine of the Book)

Israel Museum (Dead Sea Scroll)

Israel Museum (Dead Sea Scroll)

Israel Museum (Dead Sea Scroll)

Israel Museum (Dead Sea Scroll)

Israel Museum (art collection outside)

Israel Museum (art collection outside)

Model of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period. This detailed 1:50 scale model, covering nearly one acre, recreates the topography and architecture of Ancient Jerusalem at its peak in 66 CE, shortly before its destruction by Romans. One of the city's cultural landmarks, the model was originally built in 1960's at the HolyLand Hotel. In 2006, it was restored and transferred to Israel Museum campus. Here it provides a three-dimensional contextual illustration for the period documented by the Dead Sea Scrolls, when Rabbinic Judaism took shape and Christianity was born. It also makes a striking visual connection to the Shrine of the Book and to the nearby Knesset.

Israel Museum (Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period)

Israel Museum (Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period)

Israel Museum (Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period)

Knights festival in the Old City; a Jerusalem nights specials
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  1. I wish this place had been part of our tour! It was just too hurried.

  2. That is really amazing as I wish to visit these museums and such places as Immigration Consultants Sg


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