Sunday, May 11, 2014

Cologne City Tour last part; other Tourist Spots

Central Europe 6th part: 5-days in traveling solo in Germany
October 20 to October 24, 2013

After visiting the Cologne Cathedral and its viewing deck above, I roam the city again by self-guided walk by a free map starting from Ludwig Museum to the south then going north for the Rhine park cable car going to opposite side of the Rhine River for Rhine Park. Cable car ride one way costs 4.5 Euro for a 15 minutes sightseeing above the Rhine River and the serenity of Cologne City. 

As early as 1859, Cologne had already a fixed bridge. The bridge as you see it now was built between 1907 and 1911 and rebuilt after being completely destroyed in World War 2. On each side of the bridge you will find statues; Freidrich Wilhelm IV and Wilhelm I on the Deutz side, Friedrich II and Wilhelm II on the city center side. The fence running the entire length of the bridge has become a site where lovers can show their affection by fixing a padlock to the railing.

Cologne has one of the oldest (it was only the 8th in Europe when it was opened in 1960) and the most beautiful zoos in Germany. Opposite of the entrance, the Rhine Cable car crosses the river and offers great views of Cologne. St. Martin's Church is a beautiful roman Church with its four turrets grouped around a central spire, is the heart of the Altstadt and was built between 1150 and 1172.

Cologne city tour (one of the Roman Church)

Cologne city tour (one of the Roman Church)

Cologne city tour (one of the Roman Church)

Cologne city tour (one of the Roman Church)

Cologne city tour (St. Martin's Church)

Cologne city tour (St. Martin's Church)

Cologne city tour (Rhine Cable Car)

Cologne city tour (Rhine Cable Car)

Cologne city tour (Colonius TV tower)

Cologne city tour (Hohenzollernbridge)

Cologne city tour (Hohenzollernbridge)

Cologne city tour (Hohenzollernbridge) at night

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