Monday, March 26, 2012

Quadbiking (ATV Ride) on the Red Sands of Riyadh

my 1st adventure embracing the sand dessert
november 04, 2011 friday

Ask Filipino expats about Red Sand and they will tell you that it is one of the place commonly visited in Riyadh Saudi Arabia during Eid Vacation, Hajj or Ramadan Vacation. Red Sand is a place where you could see Sand Dunes all over the place. It is a place where a group of people would definitely feel that they are in Saudi Arabia.

An all-terrain vehicle (ATV), also known as a quad bike or four wheeler, is a vehicle that travels on low pressure tires, with a seat that is straddled by the operator, along with handlebars for steering control. As the name implies, it is designed to handle a wider variety of terrain than most other vehicles. renting of this vehicle as an added adventure in the red sands cost 40 sar per hour (depends on peak season, it goes higher).

the red sands of riyadh province

the red sands of riyadh province

the red sands of riyadh province

the red sands of riyadh province

quadbiking the red sands

quadbiking the red sands

quadbiking the red sands

quadbiking the red sands

quadbiking the red sands

1 comment:

  1. I feel stupid. So that what ATV means. Hahaha! Your shots were lovely. :)


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