Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Iloilo - Guimaras Barkada Trip last part

bakasyonista year after specials
may 13-15, 2011 friday to sunday



We left sarabia manor at 10am, hired there van again for php500 en route to the wharf. with only php14 public boat fee, we arrived jordan wharf after less than 30 minutes. hello guimaras !

Bakasyonista ended up in kenyama beach resort renting an ordinary fan-room with cottage on nearby beach. please see downloadable pdf itinerary for the costings we shared here. we started our escapade by having our photo-ops black elegant version and then our 1st cliff jump on a very spiky rock formation. what a feeling ! took our dinner and then my favorite, night shot at the beach. supposedly i'll be going alone to the lighthouse but as i crossing the roads, there were over 4 local dogs loudly barking on my side.

guisi beach by day

guisi beach by day

guisi beach at night

guisi lighthouse

guisi lighthouse

guisi beach shore

guisi beach cliff jump

guisi beach cliff jump


woke up 630am and the quest for the guisi lighthouse was on which is only 400 meters away from our lodge. there are two ways to go there, either trail the road above (which was my way the night before) or along the beach and go for the exciting bamboo bridge if you dont want to be get wet.

afterwards, took breakfast and then another set of cliff jumping. we thought its easy for our 2nd attempt and we planned to do it in a nice wacky and awesome shot. but when one of the credible swimmer of our group stand on the point on the roch where to jump, she wasted so long just to have confidence to do it again. i was curious back then and so made my attempt and the feeling was also the same with her. it made us feel nervous again, shake knees and it feels like this was the first time. we have made 3 set of attempts all successfully, minor scratches only due to the spikes in trailing that rock formation. around 2pm we left guimaras, went back to iloilo and stopped by to smallville for our late lunch before making our way to the airport. by the way, iloilo terminal is international airport so the terminal fee is just like in manila, php200.

world's sweetest mango

world's sweetest mango


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